The e-Business Register issues free legal and statistical data about all Estonian companys, non-profit associations, foundations, state and local governmental agencies and self-employed persons.
The data of European companys, their reports and the data of persons related to them are only a query away. Now you can order the data without having to enter into an agreement!
The e-Land Register issues legal data on all Estonian immovable properties. It provides a quick and easy search tool for verification of properties’ general data, size, owners, restrictions and encumbering mortgages.
The Immovables Portal allows everyone to prepare and submit electronic property registration applications and to observe the real-time progress of those applications after submitting.

e-Financials is a simple web-based accounting software that assists companies to manage their book-keeping themselves. The software is located in the Company Registration Portal and both entrepreneurs and authorized persons (e.g. accountants) can use it.

A registry holding data about punished persons and their punishments. The valid data of the Criminal Records Database are public and everybody can view the registry data.
An information system which allows procedural parties and their representatives to participate electronically in civil, administrative, criminal and misdemeanour proceedings.
The State Gazette is issued by the Ministry of Justice and housed by the Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK); the latter is also responsible for ensuring its technical functioning. State Gazette is issued only as an online publication available via the Internet.
The website of the Official Announcements publishes all notices, invitations and announcements which are required by the law to be published. Announcements can be searched by keywords and they are freely available to everyone.
Ship Register, Marital Property Register, X-Road generator, Company Registration API, e-Notary.