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Articles and reports on the systems and registers developed by RIK.


  • Digitisation in criminal justice chains: The experience in Denmark, England, Austria and Estonia from a supply chain perspective
    (de Blok, C., Seepma, A., Roukema, I., van Donk, D. P., van Keulen, B., Otte, R., 2014)

    The University of Gronignen, the Netherlands, carried out a research in 2014 on the digitisation in the criminal justice chain based on four case-studies from different countries, including Estonia. The study, mainly in Dutch, highlights that "Digitisation offers numerous opportunities for making improvements in the criminal justice chain, so it is reasonable to set ambitious targets /.../. The findings of this study suggest that digitisation must be part of an on-going or long-term improvement process". Moreover, the authors point out that " /.../ the combination of ownership of own systems while at the same time incorporating a chain perspective and creating dependencies and opportunities for exchanging data between criminal justice chain partners appears to have led to successful digitisation" as is the case for the Estonian e-File. The country report on Estonia in the English language starts from page 278 of the full report.
    Full report
    Executive summary in English


  • Electronic land register which forcefully eliminates real estate fraud and corruption
    (Laud, K., Paadik, L., Vali, I., 2014)

    "Land registers of different countries have similar objectives and problems and use similar methods. Some countries have made bolder developments to their land registers and others keep firmly to their traditions /.../. The land registers of some countries have transparent and secure processes while others do not. The transparency of the data of the land register of Estonia has only benefitted the country, and we surely recommend it to others."
    Full article