International collaboration

RIK is an experienced public sector developer, manager and administrator of IT-systems. Our e-solutions have caught the interest of other countries and we are constantly expanding our international collaboration. We receive some 30 foreign delegations at RIK each year and have participated in cooperation projects with the Sultanate of Oman, the autonomous region of Kurdistan in Iraq, the Republic of Kosovo and a successful finished collaboration with Bulgaria etc.

We are a valuable partner for analysis and design and consultant for development and implementation. RIK's cooperation with other countries and institutions has taken different forms:​

  • presentations;
  • short and longer term consultations;
  • trainings;
  • sharing of our experience;
  • analysis and chains management to support state institutions in the development and implementation phases of new systems;
  • some other form. 

We are also actively cooperating with Taiex, the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission, to support partner countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation.  

Furthermore, RIK is a member of and participates in various EU and international level associations and workings groups, e-SENS, e-CODEX, European Business Register (EBR), European Land Registry Association (ELRA), European Network of Registers of Wills Association (ENWRA) to name a few.

RIK has no ready-made collaboration proposals, given the numerous systems, different contexts and needs of each country and/or institution. Rather, together with the potential collaborator, we work out a solution that would meet the specific needs of each institution.