The XML service is designed for users who need to perform a large number of queries in the e-Land Register or to store data in their database. In order to use the service, the customer needs to conclude a contract on the website of the e-Business Register.
After the conclusion of the contract, the customer of the service can make improvements to integrate the XML service with their system.

List of the XML services in the e-Land Register:

  • personal registered immovables;
  • details of registered immovables;
  • registered immovables of cadastral units.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that when personal data is issued via the XML service, the person whose personal data has been requested will also see information about it in the data monitoring system of the eesti.ee portal.

The following file provides a detailed description of the XML queries:

XML queries of the Land Register (232.11 KB, pdf)