Public e-File

Public e-File enables citizens to initiate civil, administrative, judicial and misdemeanor proceedings and monitor these proceedings as well as submit documents to be processed. Public e-File is the part of the e-File vsible to everyone. E-File is a web-based information system, which collects documents related to civil, administrative, criminal and misdemeanor proceedings as well as the related actions, data and processes.  E-File enables parties to proceedings and their representatives to submit proceedings’ documents to the court electronically and monitor the progress of the related court proceedings. Citizens can also dispute claims and decisions as well as make inquiries in the Criminal Records Database regarding themselves and other people. In the system, individuals can only see the proceedings in which they themselves are involved.

Public e-File is secure, since an ID card, mobile ID or Smart ID is needed to log in. It also saves time, since data can be viewed and proceedings initiated without having to go to the agency in person.  Last but not least, it reduces time spent waiting for decision, since the single data system hastens the officials’ work.